Sunday, November 2, 2008

NaBloPoMo Day 2: Vote

It is my most fervant hope that in a few days, this country will be a different place.

I'm voting because I have a three-year-old son, and I want him to have every opportunity that I did, and more.

I'm voting because I have a chronic illness, and stem cell research could help me live long enough to meet my great-grandchildren.

I'm voting because a woman should be able to choose whether or not she wants to have a baby.

I'm voting because everyone who falls in love should be able to get married and have kids if they want to.

I'm voting because gas costs $2.19 a gallon in my neighborhood right now, and when Bush took office, it was $1.41.

I'm voting because the economy is terrible.

I'm voting because I believe that education should be more than teaching kids to take a test.

I'm voting because too many kids in America will go to bed hungry tonight.

I'm voting because my husband was a soldier.

I'm voting because 100 years ago, I couldn't have.

I'm voting because soon the retirement age will be 75.

I'm voting because of what's been done in the name of patriotism in the last eight years.

I'm voting because I'm angry.

I'm voting because I'm sad.

I'm voting because I know we can do better.

I'm voting because it matters more now than it ever has.

Why are you voting?

1 comment:

merseydotes said...

I'm voting so that we don't end up in more pointless, endless wars. I'm voting so that the rest of the world will stop thinking of America as arrogant assholes. I'm voting because food is so expensive in the world and yet obesity is killing so many in America. I'm voting because I'm tired of feeling despondent and sad at the direction of our country.